Mobile Customers

How to Attract a Younger, Mobile-Savvy Audience to Your Shop or Site.

Clip Strip Corp. POP Marketing, Shopper Psychology, VIsual Marketing Leave a Comment

Unless you’ve been living in a cave, you will have a noticed that the relationship between people and phones has changed.  Everywhere you go, heads are bowed before the omnipresent mobile device, as people text, surf, communicate – and shop.

The rise of mobile devices is an opportunity for retailers.  Their immediacy and portability make them an advent which must be acknowledged by everyone hoping to thrive in the new reality.

The key thought to keep in mind when considering how to attract a younger, mobile-savvy audience to your shop or site, is that 60% of all online activity now comes from mobile devices.

That’s a vast pool of potential consumers you can’t afford not to reach out to and that pool is overwhelmingly young and looking for retail experiences that address their interests directly.

Mobilize your website.

If your website isn’t mobile-friendly, you need to get it there sooner than later.  Mobile users encountering an online store that doesn’t conform to their needs will move on immediately – most likely never to return.

Responsiveness to mobile users can easily be tested.  Pick up your phone and go to your site.  Is it easy to read?  Does it look “right”?  If not, your website needs immediate reform to reach out to that 60% of the market you’re missing out on.

The KISS rule (keep it simple, stupid) applies.  Millennials want information that’s readily accessible.  They don’t want to dig for what they’re looking for.  Feature key content on your home page.  Tell your story succinctly.

Engage with social media.

Your social media presence should invite Millennials with fresh, value-added content that draws them into your brand experience.  That means good visual content, every day.  Stale feeds lose user interest.

You don’t need to spread yourself across the vastness of social media.  That can reduce your impact.  Instead, choose the platforms that make the most sense for your brand in terms of outreach to mobile users.  Instagram is a key platform for photo-sharing, but if you’re marketing to women, you should know that most daily Pinterest users are women.

Keep your content relatable, friendly and engaging.  Mobile-savvy users want to be appealed to by original, compelling content that invites them to experience something of value.  Stress openness and engage with your users whenever you have the opportunity.

Clip Strip Corp. – POP for a new generation.

Clip Strip Corp. is the leader in innovative Point of Purchase displays and supports.  We bring you consistency, professionalism and a premium retail experience for your customers.

When you’re thinking about how to attract a younger, mobile-savvy audience to your shop or site, you want your merchandise to POP for a new generation.

Meshing your in-store experience with a refined outreach to young, mobile-savvy users is seamless with the display pros at Clip Strip Corp.  You create the outreach, we create the on-site display know-how that engages with your shoppers.

Contact us to discover leading edge retail merchandising tools that bring a fresh approach to in-store marketing.

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