
Retail In-Store Experience in the Digital Age

Raffy Wolfe Pro Tips Leave a Comment

Retailers all over different business sectors are in a race to integrate strategies that will give fresh in-store experiences. This includes physical screens installed within stores not only for branding and communication, but also to incite excitement, bring inspiration, and motivate engagement.

The rising popularity of screen-based content and advertisements is making it difficult for business owners to think of ways to make it impactful. The challenge for them is not just to promote awareness but to satisfy shoppers and keep them interested. Here are some tips on how to do that:

Capture the Heart by Telling a Story

Good visuals are not enough to make a screen content engaging. But what makes it outstanding is the story that it is telling to its audience. It should be something that inspires and brings the people closer to the brand. It can come through different forms such as short films, documentary, murals, or a creative map. Take note what makes it effective is how memorable it is for the customers.

Don’t Just Aim to Sell, Focus on Building Loyalty

Using for advertising and promoting is still an effective plan but a bigger opportunity is being missed out because the businesses who does this fail to provide what shoppers truly want, and that is the experience which online shopping cannot provide. Simply put, screens inside the store should be used not to sell, but to create a physical experience like no other. This can be applied not only through interactive display but also on social media as long as it effectively increases engagement.

Make it Relatable by adding a Taste of Local History

Consumes are longing for new experiences that will connect them better not only with a brand, but also to their friends and the community. So, one way to bring out the best out of your screen display is to find creative and educational ways to combine it with the local history and culture of the community that you are targeting. Local information that are up-to-date and useful can produce more engagements from in-store screen displays.

Paint a Bigger Picture

Interacting with experiential content such as in-store screen displays are the fastest way people can engage with your brand. So, you must optimize it and make sure it will tell stories that will persuade customers not only to purchase on that particular moment, but to come again another day.

The faster consumers get to know your brand better, the better the results. So, business owners must learn to limit the time customers are spending on it. Instead, they have to make every second meaningful and make sure their shoppers are having a deeper insight on their brand story. They can also include the role of workers, communities, and other partners. They should remember that what’s important is not the duration of the customer’s exposure with the story but the depth and the amount of it.

As long as it remains interesting and engaging, it will surely click with them. Making business more artistic and instagrammable is the key. So, it is those who are not afraid to take chances and push boundaries for the sake of keeping it fresh, who will succeed.

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