Customer See Products

You have great products, but can your customers see them?

Clip Strip Corp. Retail Display, VIsual Marketing Leave a Comment

As a retailer, you’ve spent the time to source great products, but can your customers see them?  Thoughtful displays that bring your product line’s stars to the attention of your customers are an art form.  But effective display techniques are also a science.

Creating an environment that’s friendly to your shoppers, intentionally sending them messages which drive purchasing decisions, is crucial to the consumer journey.  Let’s explore some ways to make sure your great products get seen – and purchased.

Target customers.

Visual marketing is what truly drives sales.  Many customers will ask for assistance from floor staff when they can’t find something, but there’s nothing most customers dislike more than “shadowing” by sales people.

People need to see what you’ve got.  That means creating displays which are both aesthetically pleasing and effective.  To be effective, one of the most important considerations is who your target customer is.  Who are you selling to and what do they want?

The information you can glean from your POS (point of sale) systems will reveal exactly who that is, so take the time to do it.

Organizing your sales floor to answer your target shopper’s needs is the first order of business to get it working for you like the superstar salesperson it is.


Part of the mission to get your products seen is about the research you’re willing to conduct.  Customer data is the first layer of that research, but it goes deeper.  Knowing what your competition is doing is another layer.

But with the internet at your fingertips, researching effective display techniques has never been easier.  Our favorite source of display inspiration is Pinterest.  This is where you’ll find a limitless wealth of ideas to support your own and refine them.

Once you’re aware of that target customer, you’ll understand the direction you want to go with your displays.  Supported by the work of your competitors and online inspiration, your displays will soon be getting your products seen.


Clear, consistent signage is crucial.  Your products are great, but can your customers see them?   If they can’t, signage may be a key ingredient of your strategy to make sure they’re seen by the customers you most want to see them.

Signage and supports that guides consumers on their journey from POP to POS, engages customers, drawing them in a helpful way to what they’re looking for.  When keyed to your brand and its philosophy, effective retail signage creates an environment in which finding what you’re looking for is a pleasant, seamless experience.

With our range of POP display supports and accessories, Clip Strip Corp. is a leader in retail marketing.  Creating customer-friendly signage and sign holders and innovative display supports is our mission.

We support your retail outlet by making your great products visible to customers in a professional way that adds value to the customer journey, smoothing it toward the Point of Sale.

You have great products.  Make sure your customers see them with POP display supports from Clip Strip Corp.

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