
Why Customer-Driven Marketing Is Now The “Thing”

Raffy Wolfe Pro Tips Leave a Comment

Tactics concerning market and advertising a brand has been very different today compared to before. Aside from focusing into the amount of transaction, they are now focused into teaming-up customers as well as giving them new e-commerce experience.

These tactics involve forming online or personal communities where your customers would be teamed-up based on their common interests or hobbies. It can aim to build up the brand than to bring in revenue.

According to studies, the traditional ‘pay this, get that’ transaction is now becoming too boring while your market needs new ways and new experiences which would keep them on following your brand.

Regardless if these new marketing methods are more successful than traditional ones or not, these strategies that the retailers and brands are now integrating are observed to be all deeply concerned with treating the customer as part of a small community — whether it’s having a say in product or content development, or more akin to building an educational platform for customers to learn from each other on — essentially what a community is meant to be.

This means the goal is to give a feeling of belongingness and making a brand as a part of the customers’ lives to build a connection and to bring the brand closer to the people.

Also, we can also go back to driving awareness or letting people know which is the first step to market any particular product or service. But this time, the company must first make sure that they have activities to motivate customer-participation. It may seem risky but if you are able to pull it off, it could create a big difference for your business. This gives you the opportunity to have marketing channel and ambassadors through these people. They will serve as live advertisements of your brand.

To achieve these goals, the company can integrate or make use of modern technology and tools. Knowing that we are now on the era of the 4th industrial revolution, it is also important to cope with the arising trends for you to not be left behind.

Innovation is vital because change is constant as time passes by. These changes also happen on the customer’s behavior and attitude towards a brand. As time pass by, their standards go into higher levels which makes it hard not only to satisfy and impress them but also to maintain their loyalty with your brand. That’s why you should not stop on thinking new ways and tactics to entice your customers and to attract new ones.

A market which values customer preferences is something that we are used to. But what’s more ideal is a market that can cater modifications from the customers themselves based on their experiences and ideas. Giving them this experience and freedom is what will keep the retail industry’s smooth flow. The role of the purchasers has truly widened and became more important at this point of time. So, rather than trying to bend or deflect this reality, it is better if other stakeholders learn to cope with it and develop strategies that would use it for their advantage.

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