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Tips on Using Instagram Hashtags to Increase Your Likes and Follows

Raffy Wolfe Technology Leave a Comment

Hashtags are key terms attached to things you post on Instagram. They become clickable phrases and topics. You can make just any word or phrase into a working hashtag, just place a # in front of it. Knowing what Instagram hashtags works will widen your reach, motivate your audience, popularize your brand, and even trigger the Instagram algorithm in your favor.

When a hashtag is clicked by a user, they’re redirected to its discover feed which shows all the public content attached to it. Therefore, Hashtags are clicked and searched as a way of finding interesting content on Instagram.

Recognizing the value of hashtags on the platform will help you develop a strong hashtag strategy that will boost your reach and increase your engagement. There are plenty of ways to research hashtags that you can use for your business on Instagram. Through this, you will be able to identify what hashtags are popular and performs well. This can also give you new ideas for hashtags that may not have crossed your mind.

There are several different strategies you can use to conduct hashtag research, whether you want to grow your list or find new trending topics. Let’s take a look at each.

Take a Look at Twitter

One of the best platforms to source out trending topics where you can base your trending hashtags on is Twitter. It specifically has a topic section where you can see what the majority of people are sharing and talking about. This has an opportunity to know what you can use in your Instagram account.

It is important to understand that Instagram and Twitter have differences when it comes to hashtags because popular Twitter hashtags are concentrated on the news. So you cannot copy and use them right on. You still have to study them carefully to see if they can be relevant to your Instagram account and your target audience.

Learn from your Competition

You won’t lose anything by looking at your competitor’s marketing strategy particularly hashtags. What they used and how it performed can give you helpful clues in developing a better but original strategy. Compiling the ideas you got from them opens the doors for fresh phrases that you can treat as your own. More importantly, they can serve as forecasts of what topics may become trending in the future.

Get inspired by influencers

People with a solid follower base can be great models on how to increase your audience because they are proven to be someone where people constantly look for inspiration, advice, and expertise. No wonder they never fail on creating popular hashtags in their Instagram profiles. So following them is a great way to find the best-performing terms.

Utilize hashtag research tools

There are many available hashtag research tools online that you can use to determine the latest trending and timeless hashtags that will drive traffic and sales to your business account. Finding one to assist you is essential because compared to other tools, this one will give you detailed feedback and performance analytics of new hashtags.

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