Tips on How to Get a Place Inside a Retail Store

Tips on How to Get a Place Inside a Retail Store

Raffy Wolfe Pro Tips Leave a Comment

Simultaneous with the change that’s currently happening in the world day by day, there’s also a not-too-mainstream trend that’s arising in the retailing industry: more and more retailers are trying to enter the doors of big-box retailers.

Of course, there are lots of benefits that you can gain when you work with an established retail brand. I bet, there’s no retailer that doesn’t want their brand to be exposed to a bigger audience and receive larger orders. But the question is, how can you get in there?

Make your Product Unique

The first thing that you have to do here is to know your product—all its aspects, strength, weaknesses, uniqueness, and the like. Aside from you, there are a lot more brands that are pitching to be in big-box store. So, the challenge here is how you highlight the strongest aspect of your brand that is simply exceptional compared to the current brand they hold.

Perhaps, you might want to focus on how your brand would create more foot traffic in their store because in the first place, aside from added revenue to them, they are looking forward to additional foot traffic in their stores. If you could convince them through various schemes you can do—those in favour of them—do so.

Persistence is a must!

Simply, go to their store and pitch in person!

Since you are just starting up, the best thing to do is to approach their stores and make yourself—together with your brand—visible.

Of course, before you enter a store, you have to be ready. Never do neither unprepared nor half-baked pitching. It will just ruin your name and your brand’s. You might want to share your story, your uniqueness, and how do you deserve to be in line with the store’s current customers and stocked items. Do it with love, consistency, and passion!

Trade Shows are Helpful

When you get to the point that you have laid all your cards on your local and regional options and your mind is actually thinking to have more connections with retail buyers who look for the Next Big Thing, trade shows are one of the best ways to nail it!

Perhaps, trade shows must be injected into your marketing schemes if you are thinking of making retail as a big part of your distribution. In doing this, the most important thing is to know the best show for your brand where your community of buyers gathers. Of course, before you will be able to do such, you really have to study your brand. Know your industry and where are you within it.

The last thing, you have to know and understand that attending a trade show—as either a person or as a brand—isn’t free.

Don’t Depend on your Retail Placements-Alone

Despite the fact that your brand was stocked in a major retailer, still, you can’t afford to be too confident and dependent on it. You brand being displayed on their shelves isn’t an assurance or even an indication that your work over your brand is already through.

Although taking your brand in big-box stores gives you immediate brand awareness, still, you can’t rely on a store to sell your products for you. Yes, we’ve got the fact that when a person is roaming around the store looking for something—or nothing specific—they will surely find you. But, there are a lot of products with you. Perhaps, you a customer would just find you if there’s really a notable uniqueness in you, or a customer service crew would recommend your brand.

The best thing to do is to retain the thing you are doing as of the moment—or before you took your brand into big-box stores. Meaning, your retail placement is just an additional marketing scheme and not—or shall not be—your main and only.

A strong online presence might even be the thing that convinces those buyers you’re meeting with that it’s time to add you to their list of stocked brands. Even if you’re still working on getting your first placement, the community of happy customers you’re building and the brand you’re creating are going to be assets that serve you well either way.

Perhaps, a strong online presence would be a good back-up to your brand on or before getting in big retail stores. It’s recommendable to indulge in strengthening your brand awareness online and maximize its power to raise brand awareness and impose call to action.

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