
Three Convincing Scheme to Set Off Impulse Buying

Raffy Wolfe Pro Tips, Shopper Psychology Leave a Comment

There is a considerable number of consumers who believe that they are smart shoppers. But, despite that, all of us have fallen for an impulse buy—admit it or not.

In retrospect, more and more shopping malls, department stores, and even e-commerce stores are indulging in capitalizing on impulse buying by adding irresistible “extras.” Well, it is not too often that we hear people saying that they have completed a purchase for big-ticket items even without having any intentions of buying a product.

So, perhaps, your questions now are, “How can I do it in my business?” “How could I persuade consumers to make impulse purchases on my site?”

Add Complementary Products

Amazon is a perfect example that effectively maximizing this kind of scheme. There, whenever you buy something from Amazon, there would be automatic suggested complementary products—that you can also add to the cart—that pop up before you click the button and make your purchase.

If by now, you are not yet using this strategy, you might have to consider this technology in your e-commerce store. Well, just by utilizing this, your business’ revenue would probably increase by at least 10-20 percent—if done correctly.

Another way to actually utilize this strategy is by packaging lower-priced items that complement a larger-ticket item together. After that, you can offer them at a little discount and be offered prior to checkout. Of course, the consumers would highly appreciate the opportunity and mark-down on the prices of the items while you enjoy the increase in terms of average order value.

Highlight Products that Sell Themselves

In a store, there are always two general categories of products:

  1. The products that require comprehension and analysis
  2. The products that require little to no thought at all.

With regard to impulse buying, the latter one works effectively.

These kinds of items are usually affordable and are every so often considered as a necessity—even requiring to put another item in the cart at its peak. Well, even when the product isn’t really related to the main reason why the consumer visited the store, he/she would purchase it merely because it is inexpensive. Small purchases such as these add up over time. These products can also be used to generate more revenue for your e-commerce store.

Use Prevailing Psychological Triggers

No savvy marketer would refute the idea that psychological triggers are really important. Combining high perceived value, urgency, scarcity, and novelty would bring wondrous effects on your product. Take, for example, you could create a “buy two, get one free” deal for a merchandise that is well-thought-out as expensive/affordable—which would still depend on your preference and discretion.

Another way of utilizing this scheme is to add new or novelty products to the list as a promo—with a time limit to create some urgency for the special offer—and wait for its effect.

Combining all these would be a great persuasion for many impulse shoppers will get them to complete more purchase from your store.

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