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Strengthening Your Customer Relations through Videos

Raffy Wolfe Next Level Merchandising Leave a Comment

Within the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, video communication has been the primary medium of small business owners and customer service teams to talk to each other.

It instantly became an all-powerful tool to engage with customers since there is a rapid decline on face-to-face interactions.

That means the use of video has become one of the major ways to entice customers and keep them interested. Here is how video can help strengthen the connection between you and your customers.

Record simple, personalized videos

Recording a ‘thank you for your purchase’ or an apology video somewhere personal, like your dining table or living room sofa, can help a lot in making shoppers feel a closer connection to you.

In good times and in bad times, personalized messages make wonders especially during challenging situations.

As a small business owner, there will be a big impact in the part of your customer to thank them for transacting with you.

It is also the same when apologizing to them during difficult times and there are misunderstandings that needs to be clarified. This will all go a long way in inspiring them to shop with you again.

Be careful though; know that there is right time for video messages. You do not want an angry customer snapping even more.

Combine video with email communications

Videos can be inserted on support and marketing emails as well. In support emails, you only need to record a brief message letting customers know you will be in touch with them as soon as possible.

You can also incorporate product videos on marketing emails to give customers a better idea of what your new products actually look like. There are many available tools for guided product walkthroughs or brief video messages.

Studies on personal video used as mail signature found that almost 90% of people emailed clicked on the video, and those who watched often finished it.

One on One video support for Top customers

If possible and if given a chance, it is effective to use a video to chat one on one with customers for troubleshooting.

You or one of your representatives can even offer to share screen and make it easier to solve their problems. This will be mostly helpful for customers who are having issues checking out or issues with your website.

This is also a great opportunity to engage in more challenging one on one support conversations, so customers will feel the sincerity and honestly in the way you communicate.

Include links of Video Tutorials in Your Packaging

If you sell items that require an assembly process, instead of a manual, it is better to include a video showing how the pieces of the item are put together.

This will serve as the customer’s walkthrough on setting up your product.  This can also enlighten them on the confusion that may occur upon opening the box.

Just add the link of that video on the packaging or in a follow-up email after the successful delivery of the item.

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