hand showing thumbs down in a clothing store

Signs Your Retail Store Needs a Makeover

Clip Strip Corp. Visual Merchandising Leave a Comment

Every retailer starts out fresh and frisky.  New beginnings are always energizing and hopeful, but without careful attention to the state of your outlet, the bloom can come off the rose rather quickly.

Vigilance is required in the realm of retail, just as it is in our personal self-care.  If we’re feeling less than fresh and vital, a makeover can help jumpstart us.  The same is true of your store.  If it’s been left to languish for a while and if its merchandising hasn’t been tweaked to conform to an ever-changing market, you can get left behind.

Following are some of the signs your retail store needs a makeover.

A tired sales floor.

It doesn’t take long for a retail store to start looking tired.  Heavy traffic, the elements and time can all take their toll.  Before we know it, what was once a shiny new thing can start looking worn.

That’s not the best look for a retail store.

Shelving and other merchandising elements should be looked at frequently to ensure they’re not contributing to an appearance of neglect.  Some of these items can be re-sold to support the purchase of replacements.

You may not need to do a total refurbish, but changing items which have seen better days can impart a fresher look.

Declining sales.

If you’ve noticed a dip in sales, but know that neighboring outlets are thriving, then the problem may be the appearance.  Most consumers aren’t anxious to come into a store that looks neglected.  Here’s where switching things up can really help.

A lick of paint on the walls, a refreshed window display, new display units, or even changing the way your store is organized, can all contribute to a much-needed renaissance.  The key here is being honest with yourself about what’s not working.

The market is constantly changing and trends come and go. If you’re clinging to a concept that’s seen better days, maybe it’s time to generate greater interest in your store by transforming it completely.

Employee apathy.

When employees are disengaging from their work, you have a problem.  Talking to them is one way to find out what’s going on.  Never discount the possibility that there are interpersonal problems at work, but checking in is a good idea, if you’re detecting an overall shift in attitude.

That shift can further impact your sales negatively.

Schedule check ins with everyone on the floor and find out what’s going on with them.  If you’re hearing that they feel as though your store’s in decline, or that loyal customers seem to have dropped off the radar, ask them why they think that is?

Your employees are valuable sources of information who can help you pinpoint the problem and address it more quickly than trying to figure it out on your own.

These are some key signs that your retail store needs a makeover.  Being pro-active about the way your store looks is your best defense against going under.

Contact Clip Strip Corp. about how we can help you freshen up your retail store.

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