a clock and little cart with a christmas tree in it

Retail Sales Countdown: Sign Tips to Get Ready for the Holidays

Clip Strip Corp. VIsual Marketing Leave a Comment

They’re here!  Holiday Season shoppers have gift purchases on their minds and they’re out there shopping.  With Black Friday having come and gone, now’s the time to kick your Holiday sign game into high gear.

By now, you will have decked the halls with seasonal finery to dazzle passing shoppers and entice them into your outlet.  But there are some key sign tips to get ready for the Holidays you should know about.

The retail sales countdown to the Holidays is on, so let’s get cracking!

Building excitement.

Signs are all about communication and now’s the time to use them to your advantage and to build excitement around the Holidays.  Creating a countdown is one way to do that.

One highly effective strategy is to create an Advent calendar for your front window.  Each day of the calendar will reveal the day’s deal.  Share your Advent calendar plans on your social media platforms to support this strategy.  It’s fun, seasonal and a great way to make your window special.

At the same time, you’re communicating to shoppers that you intend to make it worth their while by featuring popular items on sale for each day of the month.

Your signage should also inform shoppers about other in-store “must knows”, like seasonal events – perhaps carolers, or a visit from Santa Claus. Creatively using signage during the Holidays and supporting your strategy with online efforts creates an opportunity for customer outreach few other times of the year provide.

Gift guides.

Creating an effective gift guide signage strategy is, again, a two-pronged effort.  Whatever you do in your store should be mirrored online for optimal effect.  Add your sales floor staff’s support and that’s another prong.

While your items may not be specifically “festive”, keying them to the Holidays by creating a gift guide (which can also connect to the specials on your store window’s Advent calendar) supports the desire of consumers to buy for others at this time of year.

People often don’t know what to buy for friends and families, so the gift guide is outreach that matters when the seasonal shopping madness gets stressful.  It’s not prescriptive, but suggestive and consumers like that.

Inspiring loyalty.

The Holidays are an ideal time to build your customer base with loyalty programs.  When your signage tells shoppers that your loyal customers (through your loyalty program) get perks others don’t, they’re going to want in.  Make sure you prominently display the ways in which you’re rewarding customer loyalty, using your in-store signage.  This builds your customer base.

You can also use your signs to let people know more about the program and to direct them to online signup.  Again, what you do in-store should be mirrored at your online platforms and internalized by sales staff.

The retail countdown is on.  These sign tips to get ready for the Holidays will help you make the most of the Holiday shopping season.  Here’s to a banner year!

Contact Clip Strip Corp. for in-store signage solutions that work.

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