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Recovering Abandoned Cart through Strategic Emails

Raffy Wolfe Uncategorized Leave a Comment

Having abandoned carts is part of an ordinary day even for successful brands. But that doesn’t mean they cannot do anything about it. Abandoned carts mean lost sales so if you want the continued success of your business, then you have to act to resolve it—or at least try.

Experts revealed that strategic abandoned cart emails are significantly efficient in redeeming lost sales. Though the percentage of recovered sales starts low, adding it up will amount to large sums of revenue. Sending an email to remind buyers that they have items left behind, makes sense because it is like tapping them from behind and briefly explaining to them that there’s this nice thing that they might not want to miss. Abandoned cart emails can be customized and infused with coupon codes, product pictures, Call-to-Action buttons, and etc., which lead people back to the checkout page.

Here are some abandoned cart email strategy tips that you can implement to give abandoned items a chance of being checked out.

Do it with proper timing

The results of sending abandoned cart emails are influenced by the timing in which you send them to customers. Sending it as soon as possible can potentially give you a better outcome. But doing it too early or too late. In an analysis made on millions of cart recovery emails, it was found that hitting the send button after an hour gives the highest chance of efficiency. Retailers must not only focus on composing an appealing message but when is the best time for your clients to receive it.

Try to Minimize Costs through Discounts

Unexpected costs added to the final price are another leading reason why customers abandon their carts. Tax and shipping are not always considered when people think about how much they are going to pay so they tend to be turned off when the actual amount exceeds what they are expecting to spend.

If it is not that high, then perhaps customers may push through with their purchase without a bargain but if many customers frequently see it as too expensive, then there will be no other choice for them but to abandon it. This is the time when discounts should be considered to recover them and save the transaction.

One can easily create discounts and attach them to an abandoned cart email through a generated code. A discount or free shipping promo is proven to change the customer’s mindset and encourage them to complete the purchase giving the store a better chance at making more sales.

Have social proof as backup

Nothing compares to social proof when talking about influential marketing tools. That’s why it is one of the most effective ways if you want to instantly gain the trust of people who abandoned their carts and turn them into actual buyers. Social proof is where you get the positive feedback of people who have first-hand experience with your products and use that to tell customers what benefits they will be missing if they don’t buy.

Consider abandoned cart texts

Similar to abandoned cart email, an abandoned cart text is also sent personally to a person but this time it will be direct to their mobile device. It is a new recovery strategy that offers higher click-through rates and sales because it is more likely to be seen by customers.

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