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Ways to Raise Your Retail Sales Associates’ Conversion Rates with Signage

Clip Strip Corp. VIsual Marketing Leave a Comment

Your sales associates work hard for you.  You’ve selected them for their personal attributes and their dedication to providing excellent customer service.  But you can do even more to support their efforts.

Signage is a key support for sales associates.   It’s also woefully underused by many retailers for this purpose.  When used intelligently and strategically, you can boost conversion rates significantly.  This post covers some ways to raise your retail sales asssociates’ conversion rates with signage that’s savvy, directive and informational.

At the POS.

Your point of sale is where you can directly influence customers to purchase items they don’t have on their lists.  All retailers know that positioning small, inexpensive items at the register is a winning strategy to increase sales.  This is where impulse buys happen.

But the POS is where you can also offer your shoppers a hand and in doing so, offer your sales associates higher conversion rates.  At the checkout, shoppers can be reminded of items they may have forgotten, or be informed of discount items they may have missed in their foray into the racks.

Here’s where you can also feature a new item, adding urgency by including information about a brief sale on the featured product, or dates that it will be going on sale.


Signs encouraging upsells (asking shoppers to purchase something in addition to what they’re buying, or to purchase something more expensive) is another key supportive role of your in-store signs.

Displaying items together is a good start, but displaying them with signage that points out the benefits of the other items your featured project is displayed with, is better.  For women’s clothing, photographs of celebrities wearing items like those displayed as an outfit are particularly effective.

Your sign strategy in this respect might be “How Jennifer Lawrence wore it”, or “These jeans are great, but Lady GaGa wore them with this jacket”, or simply “Get the look”.

Make shopping easy.

Another way signage can help raise your retail sales associates’ conversion rates with signage is by making the in-store experience easier.  Clear signage helps prevent shopper burnout.

Let’s face it, when confronted with so many choices in the market, shoppers can get overwhelmed.  They’re less likely to stay and shop, if that’s the experience they’re having in your store.

Making your signage work for them as much as it works for you and your sales associates is a friendly, helpful support to the consumer experience.

These ways to raise your retail sales associates’ conversion rates with signage are good for your business, your employees and your shoppers.  Using signage which informs, suggests and supports is a habit more retailers need to get into, to be better placed to compete with other brick-and-mortars and with their online rivals.

Clip Strip Corp.

Since 1980, Clip Strip Corp. has been creating innovative retail POP supports for retailers that help you move product.  We create consistency and professionalism throughout your store, with branded signage.

Contact us to find out how we can help.

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