
Online Contests for your Retail Giveaways

Raffy Wolfe Shopper Psychology Leave a Comment

Almost everyone have engaged at least once using the social media. It is indeed a part of our daily lives to exist in the online world. Given that, business owners also adapted to use this reality as to achieve their goals for the growth of their business. Many strategies are now being produced to satisfy and maintain the interest of the online audience.

Well, who wouldn’t like a free stuff? This is one of the primary reasons why online contests are a thing nowadays. However, giveaways aren’t just great for the winner — they’re an opportunity for you to grow your retail business. With a little bit of product as a prize and some marketing effort, an online giveaway can help your business grow your email newsletter subscription list; increase awareness of a new brand or product; drive customers to your website or into your store; gain valuable data from existing and future customers; increase social media followers; and get rid of excess inventory as prizes.

These are just some of the possible benefits that you can derive from running an online giveaway gimmick. Now, let’s dive into the steps you’ll need to take to run a flawless online contest.

First, you have to identify what’s the goal for your giveaway. While there are many reasons you might launch a giveaway, your objective might look something like one of the options in the list above. Whether it’s increasing website traffic, growing your social presence, or increasing sales, it’s important to clearly define the goal from the beginning of the campaign. Being specific can also help you in determining if you are achieving progress with your objectives.

It’s important to also make sure that the success of your campaign is traceable and that you’re set up to analyze this data throughout and at the end of the giveaway. Nail down what metrics are most important before you launch your online contest, as these will be based on your goals for the overarching campaign.

Next, you’ll need to identify the prize or prizes you’ll be giving away. Remember, better prizes can help further boost engagement and shares. However, stay away from offering some generic prize. Instead, make the prize relevant to your brand or products. This will establish your relation and connection with your customers.

It would be better to give away your own products as prizes to ensure that you’re attracting entrants who are interested in your brand. Giving away a TV might just attract people that like big TVs and aren’t really interested in your business or its offerings. Giving away some of your own product is also a way to clear some hard to move items in your inventory that is cluttering up your shelves.

Now, there are countless types of contests for eager retailers to try. While we’ve included a roundup of some of the most common types below, you may still need a bit of inspiration to come up with the perfect contest content. If you’re planning your next round of giveaways for the year, consider planning your online contest around one of the following factors.

This strategy would render great benefits to your business as long as you know what you’re doing and you understand the needs and wants of your customers. This will be a key to a progressive growth that will make your brand stand out among all others.

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