
How Hashtags Help Connect With New Followers

Raffy Wolfe Pro Tips Leave a Comment

Regardless if you’re using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest, you will discover in all of them that Hashtags are important.


Well, it is what makes you find and be found easily on these social media sites. It helps categorize stuff so they can easily be searched. In some cases, they are the basis to know what are the trends and hot topics over the internet.

Applying it to e-commerce, Hashtags can be used to extend your reach, engage your audience, and even boost your brand. However, there’s a need to have strategize to make use of them effectively.

How hashtags work

Hashtags are used as attachment to posts while in some social media sites, it can become clickable phrases and topics. Any word or phrase can be turned into a working hashtag, as long as it has the # placed in front of it.

When users click these hashtags, they’re taken to its discover feed, or other similar contents where it was used. It can also show all the public content attached to it. People will click on or search for hashtags they’re interested in as a way of finding content.

Hashtags are used to find content. So, being able to use the right hashtags can make you discoverable to your target audience, even if they haven’t connected with you before.

Users can also follow or select their favorite hashtags which they’re interested in. This ensures that the next series of content which would appears in their feed regularly are related to those hashtags.

Using hashtags to connect with your audience

Understanding which hashtags you should use is a crucial part of developing a strong hashtag strategy that maximizes your reach and increases engagement. There are different types of hashtags that each serve a purpose, and any strong strategy incorporates a combination of them.

Types of Hashtags that you should use

Though hashtags are useful, not all ecommerce businesses will benefit from every type of these hashtag. Every brand with a particular kind of business should adopt those that will work best for their identity and their target audience.

The dark side of Hastags

There are such things as banned hashtags. But no, they aren’t curse words and outright obscenities. Instead, these are hastags that are detected to be frequently used alongside some sort of illicit content. Social sites don’t post new content to a banned hashtag’s feeds, if the feed even stays up at all. So, be careful and make you also make yourself knowledgeable of hastags that are not useful at all.

More likely, those social sites will reveal these banned hashtags. Well, that depends. But what we know is that once these are banned, they’ll lose their essence and function, making it nonsense to use them.

Best hashtags for your brand

Hashtagging is considered as an important element of online marketing. Using it strategically and wisely would help you extend your reach and keep your audience engaged. You just really have to know identify the right hashtags that you can use to promote your business.

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