See Sales Floor

Do you look at your sales floor through the eyes of your customers?

Clip Strip Corp. Shopper Psychology, Store Owners, VIsual Marketing Leave a Comment

Savvy retailers know that seeing their store through customer’s eyes is key to creating a vibrant sales floor.  But how is that done?

The most important advice any retailer can be given in this respect is to look at what their immediate competition is doing right – and wrong.  It’s also observing customer responses to displays and taking note of what compels purchases most effectively.  This is all valuable data.  Do you look at your sales floor through the eyes of your customers?

Hopefully, you do.  If you’re a little fuzzy on the concept, though, we’d like to offer you some helpful tips to help you observe your sales floor through the eyes of shoppers.

Quality, appeal, price point.

These are the three virtues every shopper wants to find on your sales floor.  Promotions should all consider these three virtues and every retailer must make them a kind of mantra when considering the sales floor.

A quality product may not move without the right appeal.  Appeal is a matter of taste, certainly, but when a quality item is displayed attractively and strategically, it’s sales potential is exponentially improved.

Price point is an important consideration and keeping it in mind and in balance with your sales objectives is a fine art.  Shoppers are looking for a price point that meets their economic needs.  But influencing purchases means creating further balance between the three elements of your sales floor mantra – quality, appeal and price point.

First impressions.

What your customer sees first is your storefront.  First impressions continue to be lasting impressions, because the concept is sound.

A tidy, well-maintained exterior, matched with a well-curated window display draws customers through the front door.  Once inside, your outlet’s thoughtfully displayed products should be matched by qualities of comfort and welcome.

Spend the time to see your store as though for the first time.  Walk by it and take note of what stands out.  Walk through the front door and ask yourself how you feel.

How your customers feel when walking through your front door is an important clue when it comes to seeing your store through their eyes.

Engaging the senses.

You may well look at your sales floor through the eyes of the customer, but what about the other senses?  Scent can play an important role in customer experience.  When keyed to your brand, it can add a layer of engagement that’s subtle, yet powerful.  Scents like vanilla have universal appeal, whether delivered via wall-mounted diffusers, candles or incense.

Similarly, sound adds another dimension to your customer experience.  The music you play is a highly personal choice.  Choosing something which is (again) universally appealing and evocative of your store’s offerings and philosophy supports your branding, while offering a pleasant retail environment.

Clip Strip Corp. is a leader in innovative POP displays and supports for retailers like you.  Our line of products brings consistency and professionalism to your store, creating clarity for your customers.

Contact us to find out more.

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