pink sale tags

Increase Sales and Customer Satisfaction with Bottle Neck Hang Tags

Clip Strip Corp. Visual Merchandising Leave a Comment

Hang tags are a retail merchandising strategy that serves to distinguish your product from the pack.  When professionally printed with a branded message that’s eye-catching and consumer-conscious, they’re one of the most effective visual merchandising tools you can use.

For distributors of liquor, wine, fine olive oil, balsamic vinegar, or even dish soap (any bottle with a neck), a quality hang tag can make your product leap out at the customer, compelling them to choose it over all others.

In fact, you can increase sales and customer satisfaction with bottle neck hang tags.

Some important considerations.

Visual merchandising works on some basic principles and bottle neck hang tags follow these rules of thumb.  There are some things to consider when developing a hang tag that’s going to effectively highlight your product, no matter what’s in the bottle you’re selling.

Hang tags can by die cut for additional interest, or printed on premium paper.  What you do with a hang tag, aesthetically, largely depends on what you’re selling.  Size of the product and price point should be considered, as hang tags should match your product and its niche, while appealing to your target customer.

Your logo should be prominently displayed, so that customers are brought into your brand experience.  There should be no ambiguity as to who has created the product and placed it on the shelves for sale.

A branded theme.

Because your logo is such an important element of the hang tag, color and typeface should also be tied in with your brand, for a consistent look.  Once you have the consumer’s attention, you want to send a clear, branded message, conveyed by a theme which uniquely speaks about who your company is.

Shoppers should be able to glean all the information they need to make a purchasing decision in the blink of an eye.

Concise copy, with a typeface that’s in line with your branding, arresting colors that make your product “pop” and design that’s efficient and attractive, are what you need to make your hang tag a success.

Perceived value.

Especially when you’re promoting a new product, or entering a new market, you want maximum impact and hang tags can do that for you.  They add to the perceived value of your product, because the hang tag is indicative of a serious effort on your part to bring the item to shoppers’ attention.

Customers know merchandising supports like hang tabs cost you money.  They may not know that consciously, but the support itself speaks to product value, as it’s redolent with value, all on its own.

Bottle neck hang tags, with Clip Strip Corp.

As innovators in the realm of retail POP display aides, Clip Strip Corp. brings you premium quality bottle neck hang tags.

Our in-house POP printing division and its creative staff are ready to design a branded bottle neck hang tag that will move your product by bringing it to the attention of shoppers.

Ready to experience the Clip Strip difference?  Contact us for more information.

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