
Boosting Customer Engagement through Gamification

Raffy Wolfe Next Level Merchandising Leave a Comment

It has been a fact for many retail business owners that people are naturally reward-driven, Competitive and always aim to win. So this trait has been used to think of a strategy to boost sales and engagement.

For customers, gaining something even if it’s just virtual is fulfilling. Reward system is the a key in driving new and returning customers to your store. Making them stay a little longer and spend more time to your store while being exposed to your products. This somehow affects their behavior towards their purchase transactions with your brand.

However, the usual and traditional way of selling is not as effective anymore as it is before. As new competitors arise, there is a bigger need to come up with strategies that will continue to hook your customers.

One effective way is through Gamification.

It is about making simple tasks feel like games to add excitement and to be more enjoyable for your shoppers. This has been proven effective by many famous and well known brands. It can also suit your business whether you have an actual physical shop or more on e-commerce. There are just different approaches, though. Here are some guides to help you.

Implementing gamification on your brick-and-mortar shop may seem impossible and irrelevant. But believe it or not, not all shoppers are on the buy-pay-run mode. Some can be persuaded to stay a little longer or even spend more with your products when you are able to find that sweet spot in them.

In-store games can be a fun and exciting specially to families and adventurous buyers. Providing them with something to do more than just the usual roam around shopping could make a lot of difference.

One effective example is through the use of Stamp Cards or Progress Bars. Through these, you’re making them experience some kind of progress that they are fulfilling something and with a reward after every accomplishment, it will encourage them and excite them more to visit your store and purchase again and again.

Another strategy is by giving them the privilege to try and experience services, products and other new things you can offer. This is how you make them develop a good feeling to your products and services thus, making a bigger chance for them to purchase it.
On the other hand, those who are more on e-commerce have the advancement of technology as a primary weapon. Now that almost everyone is exposed to the modern technology through gadgets, it is easier to engage with them. Many software and mobile applications can help as a platform for your games that will promote your brand to your target audience. You can also use these on your websites to make it more interactive. We now also have the Virtual and Augmented Reality where you make your customers experience extraordinary things. Through these, you can level up their overall in-store experiences, while the use of Progression bar and Virtual Currency can do the magic of putting excitement and urge to come back and purchase again.

Gamification delivers a lot of promising rewards for retailer.  It varies from increasing loyalty, engaging new customers, creating a fun shopping environment, or to just plain driving of sales.

Gamified shopping experiences also allow retailers to track and gain insights into their customers, test new products and promotions, and keep overall customer experience high. Plus, it will surely serve a better and happier moment for the shoppers.



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