
BEYOND PROFIT: Why Cash Flow Management is Important

Raffy Wolfe Store Owners Leave a Comment

As a busines owner, you must know what is best for your business. One of the things that you must be good at is cash flow management because it is about the money that comes in and out. It is like the blood that gives life into the business. It also has the positive and negative types. Positive cash flow means the money being received by the business is greater than how much it gives out, while negative cash flow means otherwise; less money is going in compared to the outgoings.

In calculating cash flow, a business must take note of the cash available at the beginning and at the end of a specific period. This time period may be between a week or a month. This period is what will determine whether the cash flow is positive or negative.

Cash flow control and prioritizing effective cash flow management have significant and clear benefits to the business. Here are some:

It gives warning about deficits

It is important that you are informed about your company’s shortfalls ahead of time because that will give you time to think of what preventive measures you need. Placing a good system will give you predictions so you do not have to wait for a disastrous turning point to happen before you can act on it.

It will give you peace of mind

Good cash flow management will ease your worries because it will give you certainty about what’s happening. Knowing you are in control will relieve stress and anxiety because you are sure about what you are doing. It also allows you to always prepare and become well equipped no matter what’s about to come.

It tells you when you are ready to grow

When you have an accurate view of the cash flow you are managing, it will be easier for you to decide the percent of cash you can spend on the growth of your business. It will also tell you how much you can keep for your future expenses and it will prevent you from making hasty decisions that will lead to undesirable results.

Good cash flow management gives you leverage.

A good cash flow management system will help you gain trust from a bank that you are eyeing to ask credit to. It will also help you with the relationship between you and your supplier. If the bank sees that you are capable of repaying the funds, you’ll have know problem getting loans from them.

Being sure about how you will pay and when will make suppliers feel that you are reliable. This will make them more willing to engage with you on more favorable terms.

It gives actual projection about the state of your money

It is important for you to know what really happens to your funds because when we budget money, we see it the way we want and not based on what is real. So sometimes we get disappointed. But cash flow tells us about the movement of monetary assets up front. We can also depend on it when doing decisions knowing they are accurate and realistic.

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