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A Local Delivery Service Guide to Drive More Sales Online

Raffy Wolfe merchandising in action, Store Owners Leave a Comment

When customers want to buy products online and have it delivered directly at their doorstep, local delivery services is their best choice. It is the perfect alternative to both shipping with a courier and in-store shopping. It offered a solution for customers and more opportunities for merchants since we are in a world where there are increased delays in shipping and in-store shopping puts people at risk.

Local delivery is not only for the generation of sales and revenue; it also gives remarkable shopping experiences to local customers. Here are some of the ways delivering locally can help businesses build a strong bond with customers nearby and make themselves unforgettable within their community:

Increased revenue

Studies show that tendency of online shoppers spending more and having bigger cart size increases when ordering options such as local pickup and local delivery are available. We can also observe a higher conversion rate from online shoppers that chose local pickup or local delivery during checkout compared to shoppers who selected shipping at checkout.

Better Customer Experience

During the pandemic, delays became part of the norm when shipping together with unpredictable costs. This is why many customers decides not to push through with their shopping carts. The solution to this dilemma is delivering orders directly to local customers. By doing so, merchants were able to ensure in-time delivery because they are not dependent to shipping carriers. Merchants are also able to cut all high fees charged by carriers commonly during the holiday period.

Strong bond with the local community

The convenience that the customers get when shopping to you locally gives you a unique impression and allows you to gain more customers. This boosts sales and inspires loyalty to existing local consumers. In short, local delivery service is the key to being patronized by your community.  Due to people’s need for physical distancing, keeping customers loyal is necessary to drive your business towards continuous growth.

Ways to promote your local delivery options:

  1. Search Engine Optimization – Take advantage of Google search results because this will help you identify how to target and engage with customers in your area which may be searching for products available in your shop.
  2. Digital Marketing – When posting product offerings in your different social media platforms, try including information about local delivery and reinforcing it with paid promotions targeting people living in the area near you.
  3. Retargeted ads – Inform past and existing customers or site visitors that you are offering local delivery and they can take advantage of it anytime.
  4. Email marketing – Let local customers know about the new option and consider the use of coupon code for loyal customers or first-timers who will avail local delivery orders.

Aside from these, merchants can also make use of traditional strategies. As long as they have sufficient understanding of the local community and events, they will effectively engage and market to their target local customers.

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