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“All custom printing jobs have a 10% over/under ratio, meaning that we will charge for a maximum of 10% overrun or 10% under-run per job, thank you”
Click on the "Attachments" tab next to the "Description" tab just above to download the Art Template.
With this custom printed clip strip merchandiser, use our in-house template (see "attachments" tab), insert your artwork, and upload to our site above in our "UPLOAD FILE" link on this page above.
Production Time: Production time may vary slightly based on our capacity at the time the order is placed. Standard production time is 2 working days to receive email proof. The time from proof approval would be approximately 7 working days from approval date for quantities of 250 and up to 1,000. Quantities over 1,000 may require additional production time and would be determined when order is placed. 2-sided printing and/or special packaging will also add additional production time to orders.
Additional Versions / Lots: If you have more than one lot/version, please indicate the amount of each in the notes section on the checkout page. It is an additional $59.00 for each lot/version and each must be ordered in minimums of 250 and increments of 50 thereafter. Our customer service department will contact you regarding the details.
Artwork Charges: No extra art fees if your order comes with approved digital art. (it is $60 additional for artwork that does not meet our specs).
Custom Printed Clip Strips help you stand ou at retail. The header's POPS, making your brand rise above the clutter in-store, in retail environments. The printing down the 4-1/16" wide stem is revealed as the merchandising strip gets depleted of product, helping your product get more attention and sell faster. Choose 4/0 if you are merchandising your display strip flush to a store fixture, gondola or a retail store wall. Chose 4/4 if you are displaying your strip in a flag or aisle violator position.
Have a question? Ask the experts at Clip Strip Corp. We'll make sure your brand stands out where it matters most, at the Point-of-Purchase!
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