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Forget Excuses and Boost Your Sales

# Forget Excuses and Boost Your Sales

Every business faces challenges at some point or another. Maybe the store next door extended its offerings and now your most popular product has tough competition. Or maybe you just got a bad review online.

It might even be something supply related, like your shipment of shelf edge sign holders for a big promotion didnt come in yet.

It can be tempting to just give in, make excuses, and let things be.

When this happens, your business suffers. Instead, you need to push yourself and ignore the excuses. There is always a way out of a problem; you just need to figure out the solution.

## Keep Your Employees from Excuses

As a supervisor in the store or even the owner, it is part of your job to make sure that your employees don’t give up. Make sure they are trained to realize that their excuses aren’t necessary and they can actually offer that challenging service a customer needs.

Instead of just telling customers you don’t have a particular product, have your employees encourage them to try something different and think creatively to find an alternative.

## Overcome the Excuses Yourself

You also have to work to dig into a problem when it arises and solve it yourself. If you had a negative review online, truly think about it. Does the customer have a valid point? Is there a way to improve his or her negative experience?

Consider how you can make the negative experience up to the client and encourage him or her to return. Don’t forget to tackle the reason for the negative review to make sure it doesn’t happen again, even with another customer.

See if the adjustment would be simple, such as changing the shelf edge sign holders and using some POP components in stock, or something that is truly more complicated and impossible.

## Your Challenge as a Retailer

If you are in the highest position of authority in your store or the owner of an independent store, then you won’t have anyone pushing you to keep going strong and tackling these obstacles.

Those in charge need to avoid falling into the trap of putting up with excuses until it is too late.

Don’t wait until you have lost all your customers to tackle problems head on. Get creative and take care of it as soon as there is the smallest hint of an issue, whether it is with the sign holders you use for displays, a faulty product, or an inconvenient return policy.