
Why The World Needs Eco-Friendly Packaging and Shipping Alternatives

Raffy Wolfe Product Merchandising Leave a Comment

Packaging and Shipping are both essential in running an online business. But as years pass, significant and alarming change was seen on the environment and these things are some of the contributors on the damage in the planet. This has pushed consumers to be more conscious of their shopping habits so, they’re now looking not only for sustainable products but businesses dedicated to being environmentally friendly in all aspects of their operations.

For businesses, this wouldn’t be a big problem. They just need to allocate some time doing research and planning to find the best ways how they can repackage and ship their products using eco-friendly materials and ways.

Campaigns are on-going all over the world against climate change. Young people, their parents, the working force, corporations and even governments are supporting it. So if you are not one of those who stand with these people and with the environment, then you have to think because you might be putting yourself in a very difficult and risky situation.

As mentioned above, movements are already being hyped up right now. It is being promoted and featured on TV, radio and even on social media and it urges people to do action. Have you heard of teenager Greta Thunberg who started boycotting airlines to lessen carbon emissions? Many people are following her. Soon enough this could also happen on the same industry where your business belongs. So you need to take some actions while you still can. Shipping through planes may be convenient and cheap but there might come a time that consumers wouldn’t want it anymore.

Plastic which is commonly used on packages is also a major problem. Countries are already doing something about it and legislations are on the way to limit or prohibit the use of them. Will you wait till they are fully implemented before you review and do something to change how you pack your products? Are you willing to take the risks of facing fines for violating laws or being boycotted by consumer groups?

The point here is not only to fear the possible consequences of it to your business but to think about the benefits it may bring in the future. By contributing in lessening the damage being done to the planet, you are helping to save it. It will benefit not only the future generation but also the people of your time hoping that it will alleviate the conditions of people’s lives.

Reach out on other consumers groups and participate on partnerships as you integrate eco-friendly measures on your company. This way you are also building bonds with consumers, groups and agencies which support the same cause. Being one with them will surely boost your sales as you will soon be more preferred more than your non-eco-friendly competitors.

It’s not too late to be part of the change. These small steps as working on your packaging and shipping could lead to bigger actions which could benefit not only the environment but your company.

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