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The Use of Law of Probability & Market Population Towards Effective Marketing

Raffy Wolfe Store Owners Leave a Comment

Advertising and marketing works hand-in-hand with your buyers’ profile and demographics. So it is crucial that you have a perfect understanding of your target market before you invest on your promotionals. This way, you can make sure that your advertising will work and that your spent resources would be redeemed through return of investment.

I won’t be easy especially if you are a startup. But, it’s also not as hard as it seems. Don’t be overwhelmed of the numbers that comes with your target market because the reality is, to understand their demographics doesn’t mean you have to deal with them individually because that will really take a lot of time.

Instead, you can employ the law of probability where you can categorize them by groups to help you predict the possible outcomes. You can do this by digitally gathering information before analysing the results.

At some point, whether you like it or not, research will be a mandatory and useful tool. Going back to your customer groups, these generalized factions ideally covers not only demographic information like age, location and income, but also psychographic information like interests, reasons for buying and concerns.

Here we’ll discuss further why you should do a wide approach to understand it’s importance in effective marketing.

First and foremost, let’s talk about how you’ll survive the online world. Given that it is fast phased and people see things come and go. But relax, because technology is on your side and there are limitless developments which can improve how you can deal with your customers. Now, with the right tools, targeted ads can be easily made and integrated on different online platforms. This of course, would come with a price. Though, you can plan it out to find for better and cheaper alternatives. You just have to make sure that you will be able to gather the necessary information such as location, age, and history.



Now, let’s say that you were able to accomplish these, you also have to take note that as time passes by, your customer’s behaviour will change along with the development of the technology. So, there will come a time that you really have to cope and update your knowledge, your plan, your strategy, everything…

Set time periods where you can analyze your business’ current position, productivity and performance. Use this knowledge to identify areas where you can improve to achieve better outcomes. Perhaps, faster way to adapt, know trends and customize relevant advertisements that will be effective to attract customers.

Remember, assumptions should be turned to educated guesses. This is the rule that will yield results rather than rely on pure luck. I don’t know if you will be able to absorb and digest everything that we discussed here. But that’s alright because everything takes time.

Still, it is important that you understand and define your customers. With that,  you will now have a much better idea of who, how, and where you should be marketing to achieve the greatest level of success. With all this, your ad targeting and communication will be much better as there will be increased engagement on your social media channels to a greater ROI for your online ads.

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