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Slaying Business with a Remarkable Logo

Raffy Wolfe Inspiration, Store Owners, Store Signage Leave a Comment

Many businesses disregard the importance of having an appealing logo. Some thinks that focusing on other branding materials such as social media posts are more important, not knowing that these visual elements have their own purposes which are effective in their own way.

Most of them are also unaware that aside from the brand name, it’s the logo that will stick to the customer’s mind. Meanwhile some owners think they need to invest a lot just to come up with an effective and remarkable logo. But it was proven by some well-known brands that it’s all about having a logo that can be drawn from memory.

It is true that your logo is not the only thing that matters in your brand. In fact, customers would still judge you based on the products and services you are offering. But it will be the face of your brand and it will matter a lot as a visual representation of your business in your website, packaging, signage and marketing.

So, here we’ll discuss the value of logos and some important things you have to remember as you make your own.

Keep in mind that a logo must not only be meaningful and creative but also as simple as possible. This is to make it easier for your customers to keep it in mind and recall it when the right time comes. Logos are also good in communicating a message that you want to relay to your customers if you don’t prefer words.

By having a logo, you’ll also have a basis for your design on your other marketing tools. It is what will remind you to stick on a general theme or principle.

Your logo is also what will associate you to the industry you are in. It is what will make you easy to identify. Having an effective logo can help potential clients what possible products they can expect from your brand. This means a unique brand brings you a step closer to getting noticed and remembered.

Now that you know the many advantages of having a logo, you must understand why many chose to have one or more logos of their own. Not only will it make them look more legitimate, it is also a venue where they can express their creativity.

Aside from these, you must also take note of some things that you must not do when working with your logo such as overcomplicating it. Using too many colors and symbols may lead to confusion or customers may choose to just disregard it because it’s too much for them. You must also avoid imitating or using symbols that are similar to other logos. Not only because it can be a prone to plagiarism, but it will also hinder your brand from standing out.

Your logo will be a part of your brand’s history. Ideally, you will carry it with you as your business grow. So, you have to make a logo that you can look at with pride and honor. How it is perceived and remembered by the customers is also equivalent to how they see you and your management of the business.

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