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The Retail Store of the Future Holds the Key to Retail Shopping Trends

Clip Strip Corp. Next Level Merchandising, Omnichannel Leave a Comment

Some retailers have had their businesses for decades and what’s always worked for them (they believe), will continue to work for the foreseeable future.

But that mindset won’t save them.

With the rise of online shopping, the stalwarts of traditional retail; those who’ve refused to adapt to changing market conditions, are playing Russian Roulette with the future.  As we’ve outlined in some detail in these pages, the retail sector has seen dramatic change in only the past several years.

So, it’s important to see the future coming.  And the retail store of the future holds the key to retail shopping trends.  So, let’s throw the cards down and see what they have to say.

The trend to smaller outlets.

The pop up shop is a key trend that points to the future, as the future looks back with interest.  The advent of these temporary outlets has given many large footprint retailers pause, as they see the buzz and animation incited by these disruptive little upstarts.

Everything from restaurants to clothing boutiques can “pop up”.  With a petite physical footprint, lower overhead and a sense of urgency, they’ve opened a new wrinkle in the retail market which is pointing to a future in which brick-and-mortars are smaller.

Outfalls of the trend include smaller inventories more closely tailored to consumer demand and linked to your outlet’s online presence.  The shoppers of the future will view your inventory online.

Viewers with an interest will be tracked by signups and invited to not only view the collection you’ve curated at your small outlet, they’ll be able to provide input about what they want to see.

Experience will still matter.

As we keep saying, experience is the key.  Customers who leave their homes to shop in the traditional retail world want to have a human-to-human experience.  They want to touch products, as well as see them.  They want to experience your outlet through all their senses and they want to be treated to exceptional service.

Retailers, if they want to walk into the future of retail with confidence, are compelled to actively seek out the kind of employees willing to make that possible.  Beginning at intake, it’s crucial that savvy retailers winnow out those who aren’t really interested in being on the sales floor.

Hiring people who are adapted to retail sales and ready to do it well and learn more, as they go along, is what you need to be the retailer of the future.  Customers want to talk to someone who cares about them being there and provides them with a memorable experience.

The future is omnichannel.

Taking advantage of every tool at your disposal includes modernizing your web page to accommodate mobile users, having active, engaging social media feeds and taking your show online without reservation.  The store of the future is vigorously engaged in omnichannel marketing.

This holistic store of the future embraces new technology, while remaining firmly rooted in tradition.

Clip Strip Corp.’s retail POP supports take you boldly into the future.

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