
5 Retail Marketing Ideas for Merchandising with Beacons

Clip Strip Corp. Next Level Merchandising, Retail Display, Technology Leave a Comment

As retailers continue to dive deeper down the omni-channel rabbit hole, a new trend has began to emerge. Its proponents will look to pump the eCommerce shopping experience directly into brick and mortar stores with low-energy Bluetooth signals in an effort to further blur the lines between digital and reality. The retail marketing idea behind this move is to connect with customers’ smart phones via an app in order to track their shopping behavior with in-store beacons. After establishing an account with the store, the customers may opt in to participate with promotional offers and reward programs. These messages and offers can be triggered by a series of beacons placed throughout the store. In exchange, brands and shops may collect information regarding their shopping behaviors both in-store and online.

We’re keeping an eye on this trend over here at Clip Strip Corp. and thought we might present five retail marketing ideas to help merchandise better with beacons:

#1. Implement a rewards program and generate points with store visits

Store managers now have a simple way to directly reward customer visits, even without completing a purchase. Try to use a rewards programs to encourage store visits, then optimize your merchandising displays to inspire impulse purchases.

#2. Offer a promotional deal based on their interests, location and timing

The ability to send real-time marketing messages can be extremely empowering. Think about ways to leverage information to fit business objectives. Do you have a line of women’s boots that needs to be moved before the new order arrives? Go ahead and send your lady customers a juicy offer as they walk down the boot aisle.

#3. Monitor crowd density, problem areas and checkout lines

Has your store ever been overwhelmed from huge turnouts for sales and promotional events? Don’t be afraid of successful event marketing. Let’s be ready, instead. Now you can monitor crowds in real time and react to hotspot information immediately. Update customers in regards to what department has short lines or create offers for slow areas.

#4. Send the proper support based on merchandise interests

Retailers might be able to play into the strengths of individual salespersons in the right situations. For example, a wine retail shop in Napa might have a sales team that is very capable of discussing delicious California Pinot Noirs; however, if a customer with heavy spending habits and an interest in French wine walks into your shop, then you might consider sending over Tom, who lived in France for four years in college, to tend to this specific guest. Maybe he can sell that $15,000 bottle of 1985 Henri Jayer Richebourg Grand Cru from Cote de Nuits that’s been resting on the top shelf for years.

#5. Promote your displays with a user generated content hashtag contest

Do you have a great store display or installation that deserves a lot of attention? Your customers might be willing to snap a few pictures and share them with their friends on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter in exchange for the right deal… Would I like to save 10% right now AND enter to win a bottle of Richebourg Grand Cru? …Yes, I’m in! #SignMeUp

The retail marketing ideas made available with this new technology are endless. Do not limit yourself to the basic offers. Rather, explore the possibilities that will take your customer’s shopping experience to the next-level. Create engaging moments and experiential points of service that reflect the customer’s past and present shopping behavior. Exceed their expectations. Transcend customer satisfaction.

Implementing a beacon system in retail requires installation of several small beacons throughout the store. Brands or retailers can work with app developers to customize a series of offers and learn how to control the software. After the primary installation, the marketing team will have an impressively interactive platform that allows them to monitor traffic and engage with customers at opportune moments. Product merchandising efforts can then be fused with personalized real-time messages and special offers.

The combination seems to be highly effective at driving revenue and increasing sales when the supporting technology performs as expected. Be sure to find a reliable business and technology development company that specializes in electronic payments, rewards and analytic data based on retail beacon systems. They will be able to help get your program started and provide support as needed. For more information regarding beacons in retail marketing, we suggest you visit


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