
Looking into the Colors of Marketing

Raffy Wolfe Shopper Psychology Leave a Comment

Colors speak as much words as pictures can. This is why it’s being used not only to create art but also to generate profit.

Not everyone knows it but the colors being used on websites and promotions are factors that can affect the behavior and the mood of the customers.

This has a lot to do with psychology which is essential as in business, you are dealing with people. So, at some point you are going to need to know more about what’s going on with their minds.

But, believe me, it’s not rocket science. In fact, some businesses already use the knowledge about how colors affect people in their bid to sell their merchandise and in that attempt they discovered that the sense of sight is a consideration for people who buy products. Of course except on products that really requires the other senses more. This proves that with the use of an intelligent color layout and effective art direction, ecommerce success can be achieved.

For further understanding, let’s discuss some of the basic colors and what they mean when integrated into one’s business.


Let’s start with one of the darkest one. Often seen as a symbol of death, sadness and hopelessness, Black may also signify power and supremacy which can be used effectively in ecommerce. It can send a confident message to potential customers as long as it is used in moderation and combined with other tranquil colors.


Obviously, this color Is used to convey a message about having no impurities. It is essential to most web pages as it shows wholesomeness, clarity as well as formality. As you know, this often used by hospitals, clinics, pharmacies, education institutions, corporate businesses and even charity foundations. Using empty white space around your content may not necessarily make it look empty but also professional.


Orange is a color that can be linked to many exciting things in life such as a glass of ice cold orange juice in bright warm summer. In business, it is said to bring the same feeling of having fresh beginnings and combined with other cool shaded colors, this can give off a positive and exciting vibe to your brand.


This one is commonly associated to femininity so it is an obvious choice for brands that targets women as its market. But, surprisingly, it can also be an attractive color to males as it conveys romance, and love in general. It can also be used to express subtleness and kindness of heart. So, it can balance the effect of darker colors such as black and red.


Caution is needed in using this color as it is unpleasant when used excessively. But when used in the right manner, it has the potential to show playfulness and immense energy just like what is being symbolized by electricity and thunder.


Green is for nature. It is close to everyone’s heart as it can be seen almost everywhere within the environment. It’s one of the most natural color and it gives cool and ease to the eye. To shoppers, it may give a feeling of relaxation, comfort and security. It may also give them a feeling that they are at home or at least close to it.


Red has always been about intense emotions. Usually it signifies love, life and even family. Just be mindful because too much red on a webpage can be visually overwhelming. According to researchers, this can also be used effectively in the food industry as it gives people the feeling of hunger and craving for something to munch on.


Last but not the least, blue is about being refreshed, being cool and being hopeful. Contrary to red, this one should be avoided if your webpage is involved with the hospitality industry as blue is said to decrease appetite. But it can be effective on energy drinks, swim wears and even summer gears. It has its magic of giving relief and quenching almost every kind of thirst.

Think about it and I’m sure you will soon realize that every color you see on your surrounding is not just there by chance. Not at least in business because when people go around the supermarket or visit an online sight, their sight is what they mostly rely on. This is the magic of colors and how they simply influence the decision and behavior of buyers. So, make yourself informed.

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