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How To Make POP Displays Effective For Your Marketing Through Push Selling

Raffy Wolfe POP Marketing Leave a Comment

Many retail store owners use the POP Display strategy in hopes of boosting their sales through last minute purchases. However, there are times that it fails to serve its purpose. This is because of the lack of persistence as well as passive implementation of the strategy.

Point-of-purchase displays can be an effective tool in either scenario. Let’s remember that point-of-purchase marketing is for businesses who wish to sway customers into making an impulsive or last-minute purchase or to inspire them to try out a specific brand within their store. Retailers can achieve this goal in different ways such as from shelf talkers to pull-up banners, there’s something for each product type and goal. Some may instantly get drawn to it making them do the purchase without a single thought. But some have doubts and may need an extra push to buy the product. This is why push selling is important.

Effective positioning of displays is crucial in retail marketing. But the best spot for a display is anywhere in the store where the customers can spot them. There’s just need to be a combination of additional signs to make it standout and noticeable. But there are things that banners and placements cannot do and that is to provide reassurance to the customer which would cast away his/her doubts.

There are times that there will be questions in their mind. So, assigning your staff to look for customers who seem to have interest on certain products yet expresses hesitation is a must. They can then try to talk to those customers and persuade them to buy. This may require you to teach them how to approach and to converse in a persuasive but not too pushy manner.

Just remember not to place your displays in hidden or unnoticeable areas. Keeping it on eye level can be helpful because putting products on too low or too high positions requires additional effort which may be too much for your customers. All you need to do is to utilize displays in areas of the store where shoppers are the most likely to see and actually engage with them. Combined with push selling, this can be a perfect combo strategy because these effective Point-Of-Purchase Displays can keep your consumers in the store longer while your customers work on encouraging them to buy more.

It’s given that POP displays do provide retailers with a great opportunity to retain the attention of shoppers’ for a few moments longer. But with only that, you are not maximizing the chance of additional sales because you rely on the initial judgement of the customers. So, there’s nothing wrong in having someone to try promoting the products once more before the customers leave your store.

Through your eye-catching display and store staff who are introducing new products and directly asking customers in case they are interested, retailers can work to ensure that more buying decisions are made by shoppers while they’re still in the store because it would be a lot easier for them to kill their interests in buying a product once they are already out of your store.

Remember that keeping shoppers in the store longer with POP Displays while employing additional persuading techniques will give you higher chances that your customers will spend more.

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