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How to Drive More Traffic to a New Website

Raffy Wolfe Technology Leave a Comment

Generating more traffic for your online store is a crucial part of growing your business. Regardless of whether you are enticing your first or 100th customer, traffic-driving tactics are what you need. These are crucial not only to maintain a steady number of website visits but also to make actual sales.

But first, entrepreneurs should understand that coming up with strategies to successfully boost sales and profit is what their marketing strategy should aim for. Here are some ways to drive traffic and sales to your website:

Get friends and family to share

The simplest and easiest way to generate initial awareness, traffic, and sales when launching your business is by seeking the help of your closest friends and family. Your bond is enough as a positive reinforcement for them to have a good perception of what you are doing. In other words, it is less likely that they will have doubts about what you are selling, compared to when you are talking with strangers.

Aside from offering them your products, what you can ask them to do is share about your business with their peers. The outcome is more likely to be positive since you seldom ask these people about these kinds of favors. If you get enough people to share about your business endeavor, perhaps you’ll be able to build momentum and start getting a regular number of customers.

Engage in social media conversations

Aside from promoting your business through word-of-mouth, you can also engage through social media, and when you say engage, it doesn’t mean you just simply share your website like on Facebook and other platforms. Instead, it means you start interesting and exciting conversations with the right group of people who will respond thoughtfully.

You must not only plan what channel is best to use, but you also need to meticulously determine what content to post. This way, you’ll know how to use social media to achieve your marketing objectives.

Run paid social media ad campaigns

Aside from social media engagements, another way to significantly encourage website traffic for your online store is to reach your ideal customers by investing in paid social media ads. This is where you can target customers who are more likely to take action such as browse through your product pool and make an actual purchase.

Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Google are the major sites with millions of users making them perfect for launching campaigns and targeting people with similar demographics, locations, and interests.

Entice and Excite through contests and giveaways

You can increase your social media followers and website traffic through contests and giveaways. It has been proven a lot of times that the majority of users share promotions quickly after signing up when there’s a possibility of earning a reward. Not only that, but a significant number of users also ask people they know to participate too!

The more exciting your prizes are, the more customers are likely to participate. These incentives are the key to getting your current and new customers to visit your store.

There are available tools and apps online which you can utilize when you plan to run giveaways. Their role is to embed your store’s landing page or blog posts.

As part of your contests, social sharing can be used as a way of entry. This increases the chance of your business becoming popular across different social platforms.

You can also offer discounts or coupons on first purchases once the participants are already in your shop so they become more motivated to buy your products.

Offer limited-time discounts

Offering customers a deal that’s hard to refuse is an extremely effective way to encourage them to take action. You can make these offers time-sensitive to urge them even further.

Limited-time discounts generate traffic and increase sales because it conditions the mind of shoppers that there’s scarcity. Some of them will even think that it is wise to buy that product at that particular point in time because they’ll feel that it would be a loss if they don’t.

Aside from product discounts, you can also offer free shipping from time to time. That is if you don’t offer it normally. This can also add traffic to your store from social media or email marketing campaigns.

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