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How DISRUPTIVE POP can make customers FOCUS on your PRODUCTS

Raffy Wolfe POP Marketing Leave a Comment

Interesting retail POP display works as-is. But it can function so much better if you infuse it with some level of disruption to catch the attention and engage with unwary shoppers. It allows you to create more sales and encourages buyers to come back if they need anything available in your store. In today’s post, we’ll discuss some of the basic ways to use disruption to turn simple retail displays into their more creative versions.

  1. Visual Disruption– There are countless ways to create visual disruption in a retail environment. There are certain strategies including the use of different shapes and various vibrant colors. These are what will make displays stand out. Meanwhile, some use attention-grabbing graphics, designs, or lighting to emphasize displays from its surrounding which will not be lighted.
  2. Physical Disruption– Through dividers such as sectional labels, dividing blade signs, aisle interrupters, or other tactics, your products can be separated from rival brands and given their spotlight inside the store. This is one way you to drive customer’s attention towards your brand. Physical disruption can also be achieved with the help of a freestanding display placed in an unexpected location away from where you usually expect a product category is located.
  3. Rotating Graphics– Even the best and most effective displays become boring over time especially for shoppers who see go over the store and see the same display again and again. Eventually, these displays won’t work on them anymore. So you will be needing fresher graphics on a counter. You don’t have to replace the entire display though. Sometimes, if you already have a flexible one that you can modify, then you just need to go with what’s in season or what holiday is being celebrated. Going with the trend is what will help regain your customer’s interests and encourage them to continue having transactions with you.
  4. Interactivity– Some effective retail displays are capable of inviting shoppers to interact with them. This becomes a good opportunity to push the idea that this product is a must-have for that, particularly interested customers. This is also a great way for the shopper to learn thoroughly about your product.
  5. Element of Surprise – Creating an element of surprise is a great disruption strategy because it involves putting displays that customers do not expect to see within a store. It can be in the form of creative props, scenarios, or backgrounds which will make the customers imagine as if they are having a one-of-a-kind experience that’s never been before.

This is not known to many but all the things listed above prove that the key to succeeding in your next interesting retail display project is to get in touch with your inner self when creating retail disruption. This also shows that sometimes, going against the normal flow of things is better because it is what attracts buyers and makes them loyal to you.

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