smiling retail sales woman holding a product

Why It’s So Hard to Get Retail Employees to Upsell – And How to Get Them to Do It Anyways

Clip Strip Corp. Product Merchandising Leave a Comment

You and I both know that not everyone is born for the sales environment.  It’s a special kind of person who’s going to thrive and distinguish themselves as made for it.

But that doesn’t mean people can’t be pointed at doing a better job.  For example, your people.  Your sales staff is one of the most crucial keys to your success.  At Clip Strip Corp., we know many retailers are wondering why it’s so hard to get retail employees to upsell and how to get them to do it anyways.  That’s why we’re offering this post on the subject.

The upsell is a retailer’s secret weapon.  This is where the retail rubber meets the road and your revenue gets the necessary boost to push you from “survive” to “thrive”.  Let’s find out how to get buy in from your sales floor representatives.

The right stuff.

Many retailers make the mistake of not choosing people with an aptitude for sales.  As we’ve established, it’s not for everyone.  Getting the most from your people starts with finding the ones with the right stuff to deploy the upsell effectively.

During your interview, the question, “Do you know what an upsell is?”, should be posed frankly.  The potential employee should be able to convincingly answer the question and convince you that they’re ready to do it.

Getting the right people on board can be achieved by asking questions like the one above and by discerning that you’re hiring people interested in doing the job.  If you’re just going to ask when they’re willing to work and if they can operate a cash register, you’re not going to get the salespeople you need.

Upgrading existing staff.

If you’ve been scratching your head about why it’s so hard to get retail employees to upsell and how to get them to do it anyways, then you’ve probably hired some people who are unsure about the fullness of their roles.

You can fix that.  Bring in pizza one night for an “upselling seminar”.  Frame the event as free training and then, make the upsell an exciting part of their jobs.

Point out to your employees that they experience upsells in every facet of their economic lives.  You might use the example of asking for an extra shot of coffee in their Starbuck’s drink, or buying a warranty on an electronics item.

There are abundant models of upselling in the lives of your staff.  Make them real and build their understanding of how this retail strategy works.  Remind them regularly about what’s been discussed at your seminar.  Then, reward those who “get it”.

You can also team your sales superstars with staff members who need a little extra mentoring.

Take these steps and soon, you’ll see that your staff is working on an entirely different retail sales level.

Clip Strip Corp.

Creating exceptional retail POP display supports since 1980, Clip Strip brings you professionalism and consistency throughout your store.  Contact us.

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