
Finding the Best Instagram Hashtags for your Brand

Raffy Wolfe Next Level Merchandising Leave a Comment

Instagram Hashtags are used generally to help in making contents easy to discover. Businesses used this to expand their reach, engage with their audience and boost the popularity of their brand. But in order to achieve these benefits, one must plan carefully.

Here we will discuss hashtags, from their definition to how they can be effectively used in business.

So, what are Instagram hashtags? 

Simply put, Hashtags are clickable phrases and topics that can be attached to Instagram posts. It has the # placed in front of it, and it usually comes after or along with other image captions.

Clicking on will lead the audience to its discover feed, which shows all the public content attached to it. In short, the hashtag is an effective way for people to find content on Instagram.

How can it help a business?

Since hashtags help people to discover contents that they are interested in, they are useful in dealing with your target audience, because it allows you to be seen by them even if they haven’t connected with you before. As recognition to this helpful role of hashtags on brands, they are now able to add clickable hashtags to the profile section of Instagram bios.

Hashtags can now also be followed by other users depending on their interests so those hashtags will appear in their feed regularly.

Some of the best general Instagram hashtags include #photooftheday, #lifeisgood, and #instadaily, while if you are asking people to like or follow you, you should use the hashtags #followme, #likeforlike, and #follow4follow.

How can merchants effectively connect with their target audience using hashtags?

There are different types of hashtags that comes with different purposes. Using a strong combination of them can be a good strategy. However, know that not all ecommerce businesses can find every type of hashtag useful. So, it’s crucial to find and adopt the ones that works best for your brand and your audience so it can have a positive impact.

Users are allowed to use up to thirty hashtags on each of their posts. But it doesn’t mean you have to use all of them. It still differs and depends on your content. But what’s advisable is for brands to use at least more than one on every post.

No one can really say what’s the best number of hashtags to use in a single post, but you can know what’s best for you through testing.

Instagram hashtags are recognized to play an important role on Instagram marketing. With the right strategy that focuses on how to get more Instagram followers, businesses will be able to use hashtags that will boost your likes, comments, and followers. Without any strategy, the full potential of these hashtags won’t be utilized for the success of your brand marketing. There are also hashtag tools that can help you in coming up with a list of high-performing hashtags to engage with your audience more effectively. Take note that the only way to success is to use them based on your analysis and measurement.

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