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Disruptive Retail Trends to Watch In 2018

Clip Strip Corp. Next Level Merchandising Leave a Comment

The world changes and to stay at the top of our games, we all need to change with it.  Inflexibility is what leads some to be left behind, wondering what happened.

One of the best things you can do for your retail business (and one of the least demanding) is to be open to the change that’s happening all around and which is going to impact your business sooner or later, whether you want to acknowledge it or not.

At Clip Strip Corp. we submit that awareness is better than being in the dark, so we’d like to share these disruptive retail trends to watch in 2018, in the interest of giving retailers a heads up on the future.

Forewarned is fore armed.

The on-demand economy.

The mobile economy is an on-demand economy and this is the single most important thing you need to know, moving into 2018.

Consumers want immediate gratification and mobile portals allow it.  The seduction of the immediate provision of services and goods (Uber and eBay, just for starters) is obvious and it’s a growing sector, attracting huge response from consumers.

How huge?  How about more than 22 million consumers and almost $58 billion in spending?  That’s how huge.

Experience is everything.

In tandem with the on-demand economy is the experience economy.  This directly impacts the way brick-and-mortar retailers do business.  Customers, when they venture out of their homes, desire a unique experience that rewards their efforts.

As a retailer, your job is to offer your shoppers service which goes beyond the traditional.  Sited in your sales floor staff, the experience of personalized shopping which recognizes customers as valued guests in your outlet is key.

The union of two worlds.

Your store is in the brick-and-mortar world, but that doesn’t mean technology can’t be part of it.  In fact, bringing technology onto your sales floor signals customers that you’re answering a need.  You’re acknowledging the current environment and the demands of shoppers, while doing so.

In-store technology is an opportunity for you to create a union of the two worlds in retail currently colliding – online and real-world retail.  That’s what online retail giant, Amazon has been up to and it’s working.

Get mobile.

Being mobile-friendly is no longer an option – it’s an imperative.  As a retailer, you need to ensure that your online presence fosters relationships with this enormous market of potential and existing customers.

That means ensuring that the digital customer journey is a smooth one.  Catering to mobile customers means configuring your online presence to their needs.  More and more consumers are connecting via mobile and there is no choice for retailers but to respond with enhanced access.

These disruptive retail trends to watch in 2018 are where we believe retailers can find the way forward.  Acknowledging them and being proactive about anticipating their impact is how you can strengthen your market position by keeping your customers happy.

Clip Strip Corp. is a leader in premium retail POP display supports.  Contact us to find out more.

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