display strips from Clip Strip

Display Strips are Perfect for Cross-Merchandising and Saving Space

Clip Strip Corp. Visual Merchandising Leave a Comment

Display strips are a terrific merchandising tool that can open the door to additional sales.  With display strips, customers who come in for a certain item are likely to leave with the cross-merchandised product being offered on a display strip.

Two examples are corkscrews in the wine section of a liquor store, or eyelash curling wands next to a display of a popular mascara, in the beauty section.  The possibilities for cross-merchandising with display strips are limitless.

But display strips also save retailers valuable shelf space.  Because they hang from existing shelving, their placement can be highly attractive to consumers, but also very useful to space-strapped retailers, looking to cross-promote as effectively as possible.

Space-saving flexibility.

When our founder and CEO, Edward Spitaletta invented the now-ubiquitous Clip Strip® Brand Merchandising Strip, he changed the face of retail merchandising.  Because his invention allowed retailers to utilize what had been until then, “dead space”, he revolutionized the field of visual marketing aids.

Today, Clip Strip Corp. continues to innovate, offering retailers unique marketing solutions that help them move product, professionalize their in-store branding and create consistency across their sales floor.

Here’s a brief overview of some of our most popular display strip products.

1. Posi-Lok™.

The Posi-Lok™  represents an evolution of the original Clip Strip®.  We saw a need for the development of our prototype to accommodate the display of slightly heavier items.

These hardwearing display strips have provided retailers with a new way to feature product that normally would need to be shelved.  That saves space and makes cross-merchandising easier than it’s ever been.

2. Original Clip Strip®.

Our flagship model Clip Strip® has been changing the face of retail POP displays since 1980.  Whether you choose to attach it with a hook or a clip, the Clip Strip provides the perfect way to cross-merchandise by putting related items where the customer can see the value of purchasing them with what they came in for.

Retailers can display 6 or 12 units of product on this durable item, making it a key retail aid.

3. Econo-Strips™.

The Econo-Strip™ is accessible for retailers with even a small display budget.  These handy items are ideal for Point of Sale items like gum, lip balm and other products popular with customers at the checkout.

Known as “impulse strips”, this favorite in the Clip Strip Corp. family of products makes encouraging impulse buys affordable.

4. Sticky Strips™.

Not all packaging includes a hole to make the product it contains easy to hang on a display strip.  That’s why we invented the Sticky Strip™ Perfect for single serving snacks like potato chips and candy, this popular item includes an adhesive strip which attaches to the product’s packaging.

Should customers have a change of heart after removing the item, it can be re-attached at the same position from which it was taken.  And because it’s transparent, Sticky Strip™ doesn’t overwhelm product branding.

Display strips are perfect for cross-merchandising and saving space.  That’s why Clip Strip Corp. invented them!

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