
Data as a Driver of Business Growth Outcome

Raffy Wolfe Store Owners Leave a Comment

In business, data and information is valuable to deliver wise business decisions that can help your company succeed. Effective use of it is necessary, though it’s not as easy as before. Years ago, business may purely rely on using data to know where they will begin. It also helped them decide over risks which made them successful today.

Right now, the situation is different. The plan that they have used in their time is not that applicable anymore. They have already established their empires and had direct control within the market. They are now the ones setting-up trends. For us small business, it would be a great challenge. But fortunately, it is not impossible.

It may be cliché but this is the truth. Technology is your best asset. It’ll give you hope and you can use it to gather and process data that use can you with your business plan. You just really have to know how you can use it properly and efficiently.

Start again with the smallest aspects of business such as the location. The need of it is as crucial as before. But the competition is tighter nowadays because of the many businesses that are already set-up. Regardless of your business, location is an important factor (except when you are purely online).

So, use technology to look on sites that are potential hot spots for your business especially now that retailers of all sizes have access to valuable market insights. With it we can compare foot traffic across multiple locations or see potential commercial real estate and their price points. Based on this information, we even can project how property developments or new store openings will influence various neighborhoods. This can help us identify where to put up our business, who our target markets are, and if we could see a potential for our business to succeed on it for years to come.

 Data also helps us become competitive and gives us an edge. It introduces us to our consumers and lets us examine our competitors for us to learn how to outperform them. Data reveals loopholes while highlighting areas of success, providing more transparency to support your every action. With it we gain a view of the current state of business and facilitate more accurate predictions for future endeavors.

Capturing and storing of data is crucial. You have to understand that the more you know about the consumers, the better you can attend to their needs and the more you can serve them effectively. There are lots of ways you can gather it. Just make sure it would be legal and that you would protect consumer information as to not tarnish their trust in you. Remember that it should also be voluntary. It can be a small piece of hardware on the door to count customer entrances and exits or a database of emails and addresses obtained from customer loyalty programs. You can also collect it behind the scenes without disrupting the customer experience. Understand that not everyone is comfortable to share their information while some are just lazy to do it. So, you have to think of other ways to deal with it such as monitoring traffic to the store’s phone number is one example of this strategy.

Don’t stop looking for the best multi-channel approach that suits your company and your target market. Keep progressing. Through this your company won’t cease to grow.

Business is now more complicated. It doesn’t end with a shop and with products or services to sell. You have to be equipped with knowledge about who your customers are, what their needs are and what the constant changes that affect their behavior are. This is what will help you survive and thrive in the business world.

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